Archangel Raphael Painting Review- Peaceful and Energizing

Raphael FB testimonial

This photo and the kind words were sent to me by one of my Facebook friends, who purchased this small painting of Archangel Raphael. It is always nice to see the Angel paintings in their new home and hear about the effects they have.

“Archangel Raphael is my favourite. There is something in the colour blending and flow which I find particularly uplifting and energizing in a peaceful way. The energy flowing from his left hand looks almost like water and I love this as a focus and image when I am channelling reiki. The Divine light behind him is beautiful and I love the details such as the feathery wing tips on the left and what seems to me like an expanded heart in his centre as he channels Divine healing. The colours and flowing feel are very special.”

Angel Message for Today- Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael wants you to know that he is always there to give Spiritual Healing and guidance to all who are in need. All you have to do is ask! He delights in bringing health, happiness and joy everywhere he goes. His mission is to heal all suffering and pain. He will take your worry, fear and anxiety, and transmute them into Unconditional Love, spiritual understanding, good health, and happiness!

I always feel Archangel Raphael’s presence whenever I am doing any healing. He feels to me like an old much loved friend, very understanding and caring with a great sense of humour. He radiates Pure Unconditional Love! Love is the great healer and I feel that Archangel Raphael helps to bring me closer to the fullness of this experience with his Divine Presence! He helps to dispel the Darkness and to bring us closer to the full experience of the joyous lightness of being.

You can see more Archangel Paintings here.

©Glenyss Bourne 2011

Angel Message for Today from Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael delights in bringing health, happiness and joy everywhere he goes. His mission is to heal all suffering and pain. He will take your worry, fear and anxiety, and transmute them into Unconditional Love, spiritual understanding, good health, and happiness!
The Angelic message for Today from Archangel Raphael is, ” I offer Spiritual Healing and guidance to all who are in need. All you have to do is ask!

I always feel Archangel Raphael’s presence whenever I am doing any healing. He feels to me like an old much loved friend, very understanding and caring. He radiates Pure Unconditional Love! Love is the great healer and I feel that Archangel Raphael helps to bring me closer to the fullness of this experience with his Divine Presence! Archangel Raphael is very sociable and approachable, and has a wonderful sense of humor. He helps to dispel the Darkness and to bring us closer to the full experience of the joyous lightness of being.

You can see more Archangel Paintings here.

©  Glenyss Bourne 2010 All Rights Reservad

We are Ever With You!

Painting of Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael by Glenyss Bourne

Communion of Archangels

The Archangels help us with the higher Spiritual aspects of our lives in many dimensions. They help us in our Expanded Spiritual Journey, and in times of trouble they are always there for us. If you feel fearful and unsure, remember to ask them for help. They love you with a deep and abiding Love so strong that we on Earth can hardly imagine it!

Their message to us today is “We are ever with you”

Affordable signed Fine Art Prints from the digital original of this painting are available here.

Click Here for another Inspirational Message from the Angels.

Copyright Glenyss Bourne 2012

Angel Message for Today from the Archangels

Angel Painting of Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael

Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael

The Archangels help us with the higher Spiritual aspects of our lives in many dimensions. They help us in our Expanded Spiritual Journey, and in times of trouble they are always there for us. If you feel fearful and unsure, remember to ask them for help. The Archangels love you with a deep and abiding Love so strong that we on Earth can hardly imagine it! Call upon the Archangels to shower all beings, and our beloved Earth, with their Divine True Light.