Angel Message for today from Lady Miriam

108-smallToday’s message comes from Lady Miriam who is with us today. She will help to awaken you to Who you really are in order to experience your own Inner Truth and Beauty. Call upon her to help you to raise your vibration and to dispel any darkness, so that you may access your own sacred knowledge and the great power within.

©Glenyss Bourne 2016

Angel Meessage for Today-Live the Attitude of Loving Kindness

Angel Message for Today

“Live the attitude of Loving Kindness and teach it to your children by your example.

If all beings did this : War would become merely a distant memory in the World. Hunger and greed could not exist.

Cruelty to another living thing would be unthinkable, and there would be no prejudice. Men would gently draw their sustenance from the Earth with loving care, without damaging or destroying the beauty of Nature.

There would be no such thing as fear, and all would work together for the common Good.”

What the world really needs now is for all of us to actually begin to live the Attitude of Loving Kindness. This a message I received from the Angels some years ago about loving kindness and the effect it would have on the world. It is really that simple!

©Glenyss Bourne 2019


New Paintings of Jesus

“Jesus Loves You”- Peace

Recently I was strongly guided to do some new paintings of Jesus. They were to be named “Jesus Loves You” and their purpose was to bring light Love and Healing to all on the  the Earth.

They were to be named “Jesus Loves You” and  purpose was to bring light Love and Healing to all through the Christ Energy of Unconditional Love projected through these paintings. We are all striving to live more fully in Christ Consciousness and to bring this wonderful energy fully into our lives and into the Earth which is raising up in energy. These paintings were to assist us in doing just that. I will be uploading more paintings of Jesus in the future.

Visit my Jesus Paintings Gallery

Fore more information Click on each image.




copyright Glenyss Bourne 2016








Angel Message for Today-Compassion

Today’s message comes from Jesus.” I am the Lord of Compassion. I am always there for you when you need emotional support, guidance and protection. I love you unconditionally and forever.”

©Glenyss Bourne 2016


Angel Message for Today- And Here is Love!

Angel art by Glenysss Bourne“The precious awareness, of yourself as a Powerful Spiritual Being, who is merely examining and experiencing the Heart of Love in all its forms, will transform your World.
We are all One!”
I was guided by the Angels to offer our Angel Art online as the paintings are infused with Angelic energies which help to raise the vibration wherever they are placed. You can read more about the Angels, Angel Paintings, Reiki, Archangels and Guardian Angels and Spiritual Healing in my various blogs .

© Glenyss Bourne 2011