Transition-Archangel Azrael

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The video belw features Archangel Azrael and helps to bring about a state of inner peace which supports the letting go process.

This beautiful Plant Song holds the High Angelic Vibration of Love, Protection and Compassion and emanates positive Life-giving Energies. It has been created with the vibrations of healing plants, Unconditional Love and Angelic Energies in a healing environment. The music and video are available here

Many people are becoming increasingly aware of the energies that surround them in everyday life. These subtle energies, whether they can be felt or nor, have an effect on every bodies state of health and well being. Many illnesses are now being attributed to toxic energy overload. This can take the form of simple physical pollution of the air we breathe and the food we eat; or the more subtle pollution by negative earth energies, electromagnetic radiation or negative psychic energies. Fortunately there are many simple inexpensive ways to help to neutralize many of these problems. The pure sounds of this music created by plants is an easy to use and affordable way to help to flood our body with high vibrational natural life giving energies.

Suggested uses:
Insomnia, anxiety, calming, relaxation, emf protection, ambient music, professionals, practitioners, patients/hospitals – to soothe naturally, background music, meditation music, sleep music, relaxation music