Angel Message for Today- Free Will

Angel Image by Glenysss BourneWe Have Free Will!

The Angels and Archangels of the True Light will never usurp our Free Will, for this is God’s Great Gift to Humanity! We have been given the sovereign right and ability to make our own choices as to exactly how we will live our lives. In this we are rather like children, who seek out experiences both good and bad, for this is their nature; and they learn from each and every experience.

Wise parents do not over protect their children, they allow them to learn from their triumphs and their mistakes, and only intervene if absolutely necessary. This is how
the Angels and the Archangels relate to us.

I was guided by the Angels to offer our Angel Art online. I have many blogs about the Angels, Angel Paintings, Reiki, Archangels and Guardian Angels, Spiritual Healing and an online Angel Art Gallery.

I also offer Flower Remedies and energy enhanced products at my website.

(c)copyright Glenyss Bourne 2018

Angel Message for Today- Growth and Change

The Angel Message for Today comes from the Angel of New Growth,”Welcome change as it promotes new growth and understandings. Life is movement.”

The Angel reading comes from the book Sacred Wisdom by Glenyss Bourne, a book of Angelic Guidance. Affordable signed Fine Art Angel Prints from the digital original of this Angelic painting are available here.

Copyright Glenyss Bourne 2009

Angel Message for Today-Archangel Zadkiel

The message for today comes from Archangel Zadkiel who offers us transmutation, purification and compassion. He is associated with the violet flame of transmutation and brings forgiveness, mercy, cleansing and freedom. Call upon Archangel Zadkiel when you wish to step outside your comfort zone and make major changes in your life. His gentle guidance and compassion will help you to  more easily step into your spiritual power and ease the process.

Click Here for another Inspirational Message from the Angels.

The Angel reading comes from the book Sacred Wisdom by Glenyss Bourne, a book of Angelic Guidance. Affordable signed Fine Art Prints from the digital original of this painting are available here.

Copyright Glenyss Bourne 2009