Angel Message for Today-Loving Kindness

The Angel of Loving Kindness If you can change yourself and your attitudes you can change the world!

What the world really needs now is all of us to actually begin to live the Attitude of Loving Kindness. This a message I received from the Angels some years ago about loving kindness and the affect it would have on the world. It is really that simple!

“Live the attitude of Loving Kindness and teach it to your children by your example.

If all beings did this :

War would become merely a distant memory in the World.

Hunger and greed could not exist.

Cruelty to another living thing would be unthinkable, and there would be no prejudice.

Men would gently draw their sustenance from the Earth with loving care, without damaging or destroying the beauty of Nature.

There would be no such thing as fear, and all would work together for the common Good.”

©Glenyss Bourne 2000
Taken from Sacred Wisdom, a book of Angelic guidance by Glenyss Bourne

One thought on “Angel Message for Today-Loving Kindness

  1. This is beautiful. Thanks for the angel share. What a great vision for us to intend. If many of us visualize the world in this way, it will happen.

    Love and Light, Suzie

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