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Angel Message for Today- Co Creation

The Angelic message for today comes from these powerful and compassionate Angels of the True Light. They are  shown here in the Sacred Act of Co-creation.
The Angels and Archangels empower and enlighten God’s co-creations with the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love. They emanate this Love effortlessly through their Whole Being in a continuous stream of Blessed Energy, and shower it on all beings who wish to receive it. To receive these Angelic Blessings, all you have to do is ask.
They encourage us to re-connect with the Highest within ourselves and in remembrance of ourselves as Spiritual beings; to allow our Inner Light to flow. Do not fear to just be; for it is in awakening to yourself as the powerful and creative Spiritual Being that you really are, that you can raise up in energy to heal yourself and the wider world.Their message to us is, Breathe in deeply and when you breathe out, let go of cares, worries, unwanted thoughts and emotions. Feel the Peace and Tranquility that descends upon you: and become aware of the Benign Beings of Light who love, nurture and protect you at all times. Remember to ask and you will receive!

This is a timely message given the vast changes and challenges that we face at the moment.

My Angel Art is guided by the Angels and carries the Angelic vibration of compassion, healing and Angelic protection. These Angelic guided paintings help to raise the vibration wherever they are places.

This painting is available here.

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